The DAS Column


I would like to extend my thanks to Peter and Michael for kindly giving me a column on Amiga On Line!

Explorer 2260

Perhaps one of the largest games on the Amiga is now under construction; Explorer2260 takes elements of space simulation and strategy, adds a huge amount of research, history, graphics and text, throws in some completely original, advanced, engines and does it only on the Amiga. Recently I have been pulled away from code by the team assisting me to create:

The Collins Encuclopedia Galactica

This encyclopedia covers nearly everything in the games; races, ships, weapons etc. It is still heavily under construction and is being expanded daily.

Amiga: Finding the Future

I, along with a number of associates, have instituted a campaign protesting at the inactivity on the part of Amiga International and Gateway concerning the development and marketing of the Amiga. I would be grateful if you would visit

and have a look at our campaign statement and send us your views.

The Rest
After pressure from a couple of associates I bring you.

The Magazine Encyclopedia

Your guide to the words used my magazine editors

This page was brought to you by Chris Page, Digital Anarchy Software. The opinions expressed here are not necessarily those of Amiga On Line, or anyone else for that matter. I am not responsible if you find yourself sdrawkcab siht gnidaer (translation: reading this backwards) I am not the person who left the yellow penguin on the central reservation of the M1 just after junction 22